Vision Protection for Students
香港近視是世界第一 Hong Kong Has the Highest Rate of Myopia in the World

According to a 2021 survey on students' vision during the pandemic by the Education Data Research Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), many students suffer from myopia (about 28% in grade 3, 50% in grade 6, and 66% in grade 9), with 47% of grade 9 students suffer from astigmatism.
A considerable number of students who do not wear glasses also reported having vision problems, including astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.
If a student's parents have myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, strabismus, or amblyopia, the student is more likely to have similar vision symptoms. About half of the surveyed parents indicated that their children's vision had gradually worsened during the pandemic, but only few parents took remedial measures.
把握黃金視力發展期 Vision Care Must Start from a Young Age
The causes of myopia are 20% hereditary (genetic factors) and 80% environmental (acquired factors). In simple terms, genetic factors determine the predisposition to myopia, but most cases of myopia are still related to poor environmental factors.
From birth to age 8 is the golden period for children's vision development, especially the period before age 3, when vision develops the fastest. Hyperopia (refractive angle within 200 degrees) is a normal phenomenon in young children, with vision maturing around age 10.
If unfavorable factors damage vision development during this period, it may leave permanent defects. The earlier a child develops myopia (especially during elementary school), the higher the chance of becoming highly myopic in the future. Therefore, protecting a child's vision must start from a young age.

定期檢查視力 Regular Vision Check-ups

It is not always accurate to judge whether a child's vision is normal or not based on daily observations. When parents notice that their child is struggling to see, the vision impairment is often already quite severe. Symptoms of vision impairment in children may include squinting when looking at objects, recurrent headaches, constantly rubbing their eyes, and declining academic performance at school. Parents should pay close attention to whether their child exhibits these symptoms.
For preschool children with limited expression ability, there is a window during which vision check-ups are not possible, and parents can only observe their child's eye movement and pupil light reflex. For most children over the age of 3, they can cooperate with vision tests. It is recommended that parents take their children to an ophthalmologist at least once per semester (twice a year) for a detailed vision examination, proactively understanding their child's vision.
Once symptoms of myopia are detected, it is essential to follow the doctor's instructions for correction and schedule regular follow-up appointments. In addition to myopia, early detection and treatment of strabismus and amblyopia provide the best results.

學童眼睛健康活動 Vision Health Activities for Students
Eye Fund welcomes schools and organizations to apply for On-site vision health seminars and vision screenings to provide accurate ophthalmology information and services for parents and students.
1. Students' Eye Health Seminars: We will arrange for an ophthalmologist to be the speaker for the seminar, with each session accommodating 50 to 300 participants.
2.學童視力篩查: 我們將會安排已接受專業訓練的護眼小隊為學童進行初步的視力篩查,每節參加人數由30至70人不等。
2. Students' Vision Screening: We will arrange for professionally trained eye care teams to conduct preliminary vision screenings for students, with each session accommodating 30 to 70 participants.